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Monday, 30 April 2018

Thinking of switching from LTC to BCH, need your thoughts.

Hi, I'm new to Bitcoin Cash, but the more I've been researching it, the more I like it compared to LTC. My biggest reason is that it has so much more infrastructure compared to LTC. I started to really lose interest in LTC when I saw how incompetent their foundation was in getting things done, and in LitePay failing (They were a major investor in it). I also like the fact that BCH is sticking to what made Bitcoin bitcoin, and not going with this side chain nonsense. BCH doesn't need anything else to function properly, only itself. Now that lightning is coming to LTC, I'm thinking to myself, "Then why not just use a coin that is inherently fast and doesn't need the help of a side-chain solution? For example, Nano, but it doesn't have nearly as much infrastructure or support as BCH." As a side note, I think Charlie Lee is horrible at PR/building hype (He is definitely responsible for single-handedly dropping the price multiple times and I hate waiting for the next stupid thing he's going to say next), and I definitely don't need to know about his Pornhub usage when he's the face of LTC.

Please let me know about what I have wrong in this if I have anything wrong, or if you have anything else to add. These are the main reasons I think I'd like to switch from spending with LTC to BCH. Your thoughts?

submitted by /u/KaizerKlementine
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