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Monday, 1 October 2018

Adoption in Thailand, Rayong, Bang Saray, and Pattaya. Are there request for what I have to try, specific for BCH? And tips for merchants who accept BCH are welcome.

Wednesday I will start a little crypto Trip in East-Thailand. Planning is for 2 weeks, but can be extended.

I go as a crypto maximalist, no coin maximalist. I have preferred coins, but this trip is for learning, improve adoption, and make people believe in crypto. If the trust in crypto is there, then we can discuss about or favourite coinn(s).

  • First I will visit Rayong City. Rayong is famous for fruit plantations and you have a lot of Europeans/Americans working in the Chemical and car industry. Because of all the international Expats, Rayong can be a great start for adoption. Not industrial fruit export, export directly between farmer and buyer, is mainly to China.

  • Pattaya is a very famous tourist location, specific for the beach, restaurants, and nightlife. All the tourists, great place to start adoption.

  • Bang Saray is between Rayong and Pattaya. It's more for people who like some tourist activity, but who think Pattaya is to much from it. Europeans, Americans, working in Rayong, and if they like the beach, will search for a beach house in Bang Saray.

Before the trip, my plans for using crypto, BCH.

In Rayong:

  • hotel, booked a hotel, but I can not find a hotel, what accept crypto.

  • restaurant, found no restaurant what accept crypto

  • nightlife, found no bars/pubs what accept crypto

  • Crypto ATM, no ATM

In Bang Saray:

  • Will stay with crypto friends

  • hotel, I can not find a hotel who accept crypto.

  • restaurant, found no restaurant what accept crypto

  • nightlife, found no bars/pubs what accept crypto

  • Crypto ATM, no ATM

In Pattaya:

  • First will stay with crypto friends.

  • Hotel, found 2 hotel(s) what accept BCH, when you walk in and book in the hotel or website from the hotel, but I have to check it.

  • Restaurants, found 5 restaurants what accept BCH, but I have to check out. Websites say accept crypto, but when I contact restaurant(s), no we don't accept crypto.

  • Nightlife, found 4 bars what accept BCH, but I have to check out. Here the same, website says accept crypto, but when contact the locations, accept no crypto.

  • Crypto ATM, there are 2 ATM's, but I have to check the locations.

I have 2 questions for this sub:

  • Who know merchants in Rayong, Bang Saray or Pattaya who accept crypto and can give me the location, best on google maps?

  • Are there some special requests for, when I can use BCH? Do I have to ask some questions, or where do I have to take special attention for?

For me very important is of the restaurants/bars/pubs, accept 0-confirmation. But we will see how they handle it. 1 Confirmation is also acceptable to me.

For a hotel, 0-confirmation is not needed. I will normally stay longer than 6 confirmations.

I will try to take pictures and video if I have BCH transactions.

If some people have special requests, or wish to give a donation, this is my BCH address what I will use for the trip:


I will use my Jaxx Wallet for BCH


  • I will also do all the same for Bitcoin.


  • If someone like that I test other coins, pls inform me and I will do.
submitted by /u/eddy_68
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