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Monday, 1 October 2018

Saying the Bitcoin blockchain must only be used for financial transactions is as limited thinking as saying computers must only be used scientific computing.

I think as satisfying as it is to keep the blockchain "pure" with only financial transactions, the reality is the bitcoin blockchain will and should hold much more varied data. When a blockchain is secured by PoW algorithm it makes much more sense to combine all the hashrate on as few silos as possible. Imagine havine 20 different chains secured by PoW - each one is 20 times easier to attack individually - but if all these chains combined now they are 20 times more difficult to attack. I think it will be the natural progression that all PoW systems will want to combine - so this will include financial, social media, video, smart contracts - and much more.

submitted by /u/mrtest001
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from Bitcoin - The Internet of Money

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