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Monday 31 December 2018

How can I prove to my BSV-supporting friend that CSW is a conman and a fraud?

I'm having an argument with him on Facebook. I can't seem to with certainty close the possibility of Satoshi being only an anarchist and not possibly a minarchist. My argument was since Satoshi was an anarchist and CSW is a statist, he can't be Satoshi. But my friend is saying "what if he was an individualist but only to the extent of being a minarchist?" Help.

See below Edit: (Find convo on Facebook here under this comment: "I think most people agreed that none of that was worth splitting the chain over, which was exactly what ABC wanted to do..." Must be a member of "BCH Gang" though.)

EDIT: I copied and pasted the entire convo and put it in the subthread.

submitted by /u/cryptacritic17
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