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Sunday 30 December 2018

This experiment shows how some actual Reddit users have been manipulated into being shills. They are participating in "group think" and when confronted will sometimes react violently.

I am sure many have seen this experiment or experiments like it, but it's worth bringing up again.

This is an experiment showing group think and crowd mentality. Humans will tend to conform. Here is how this same concept has been implemented on /r/bitcoin and caused users like /u/Bcoina to become rabid mindless toxic animals who attack anyone who points out flaws in their statements, designs or misrepresentations of apolitical articles.

- First, get your paid actors out there to spin a narrative. The latest one has been some users posting a 1 year old article about channel factories and claiming it is a proven scaling solution. It's not even supported within Blockstream. (Stand up, sit down)

- Ban all dissenting opinion from /r/bitcoin (Remove non-conformists)

- Remove the paid actors spinning the LN and Channel Factories narrative. Now you have a bunch of rabid LAMBO YOLO children who believe the entire /r/Bitcoin propaganda machine because they've never had or engaged with dissenting opinion.

- Watch those same fools become rabid violent trolls with no sense, reason, or care to actually understand technology, read source articles, etc. They just want to vomit up the narrative and attack those who are wrong.

The reason this stuck out to me is this user, /u/Bcoina, violently attacked me and other users in a thread where he intentionally and deceitfully misrepresented how Channel Factories work, or in the case of reality, could theoretically work, as an additional scaling possibility on BTC. It is a theory built ontop of another theory first working and being implemented on BTC.

He also mentions Eltoo which would require a hardfork to add in a new op code, which the article mentions and this same user attacked me on when I brought it up. Judge for yourself:

For full transparency, here are his two sources which he linked, claimed to represent truthfully, but upon inspecting the source you can tell (since the writers are apolitical) that these are theories that are unproven. There is no Blockstream support for these theories yet, they are unsolved, and both have no corresponding BIP because they are depended on another theory (Schnorr sigs) working and being full implemented on the live chain. 18 months? We're talking years before they will even be able to test and see if these theories will even work. Representing these as scaling solutions is misrepresenting the truth at best and intentionally deceitful and manipulative at worst.

Do your own research, check the sources that get linked, and don't let them intimidate you. Some of these mindless rabid animals don't even realize what they're doing, they're just animals.

submitted by /u/crypto_fact_checker
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