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Tuesday 30 April 2019

The BSV group is about preventing upgrades. They aren't trying to "save" Bitcoin Cash or return it to some idealistic intended form. They are trying to prevent peer-to-peer electronic cash from working. They don't want adoption and their actions are intended to harm the price.

In the October/November "hashwar" the price went from $600 to $100. BSV didn't seem to care at all about the damage they were causing. In fact they just made more threats. This unveils their overall actions as being malevolent. They want to reduce adoption, not grow adoption. They want to harm the price, not increase it. They don't care about actual fundamentals regardless of what any social trolls say on this subreddit.

For example, recently the BSV chain accidentally re-org'ed itself after a 128Mb block was attempted. Bitcoin claims blocks need to be too small, BSV claims blocks need to be too large, but Bitcoin Cash does it right: blocks need to be as large as technically possible without introducing network propagation or security issues. It's common sense engineering that these other projects intentionally lack.

On May 15th Bitcoin Cash is adding the following upgrades:

  • Schnorr signatures for enhanced privacy and performance, for both single- and multiple-signature transactions. (so much for the lie that BitcoinCore has better developers)

  • Segwit recovery transactions. With the last protocol upgrade, the enforcement of the CLEANSTACK rule made it impossible to recover funds from Segwit transactions. With the upgrade, there will be an exception to this rule to enable recovery of these funds once again. (yay, people get their money back)

Only people against peer-to-peer electronic cash would try to prevent these upgrades. We should treat the hashrate takeover attempts as attacks because that's what they actually are. They want centralized control of a permissioned system and they want to steal the Bitcoin Cash brand. That's not the economic freedom that Bitcoin was designed to be.

submitted by /u/masterD3v
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from Bitcoin - The Internet of Money

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