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Friday, 26 July 2019

Why is KYC/AML on cryptocurrency exchanges a bad thing if your trying to exit the fiat system and just spend/earn Bitcoin Cash? The fees are way lower than what sellers are charging on

One reason why KYC/AML could be bad is if you try and reenter the fiat system it could pose tax problems, and banks could take an adversarial stance. But, KYC/AML seems like a small price to pay if you want to exit the fiat system permanently (obviously you need to earn/spend some fiat for day to day life).

But, if your goal is every time you buy bitcoin cash is to either spend/hodl it and not convert it back to fiat then cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini offer the lowest fees to accomplish that job.

I can no longer justify the >10% premiums from sellers on just to buy some Bitcoin Cash. That is to expensive of a price for privacy.

Am I missing something?

submitted by /u/lopokoko
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from Bitcoin - The Internet of Money

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