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Sunday, 29 September 2019

How can BCH be used to provide a solution to Central Banks so they can have more accountable data from the Banks they regulate? Recently, in India, a mid sized Bank under reported the health of their stressed assets causing panic! How do we solve for this?

In India, a mid sized Bank under reported the health of their stressed assets. A loan to a large construction company wasn't being repaid and they misrepresented these facts to the Reserve Bank. Finally, the Reserve Bank restricted withdrawals!

Retail customers could only withdraw $20/month which was later revised to $180. People are suffering.

I understand we are focused on merchant adoption and peer to peer electronic cash but let's face facts, that's a long road ahead and, what I'm trying to figure out is how can BCH be used to provide a solution to Central Banks so they can atleast have more accountable data from the private banks they regulate?

submitted by /u/cryptomhawk
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