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Thursday, 2 January 2020

A response to U/guyfawkefsp - BCH has existed for 2.5 years and is doing 0.2 txns/second?

A response to U/guyfawkefsp - BCH has existed for 2.5 years and is doing 0.2 txns/second?

a user called u/guyfawkefsp made a post on r/btc claiming Bitcoin cash being 'unused' over the last 2.5 years of its inception


here is a point wise reply -

  1. from

as can be seen above, nearly 7 percent of total BCH supply has been moved last 24hrs vs just 2.5 % bitcoin . ( implying much more onchain activity ) . now granted, one can counter this by saying that btc price per coin is so high so less btc can do the job, however, fact is that BCH IS far cheaper to send and fees are in sub zero cents . MORE people are onboarding BCH .

2 . BCH eco system is growing -

2.5 years ago, there was no , , SLP token economy , much more merchants are on board .

  1. BCH is undervalued ,

i see much more potential for BCH price upside given its utility . i belive BCH is where BTC was in 2011 -2013 . calculate the upside yourself

submitted by /u/mohtasham22
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from Bitcoin - The Internet of Money

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