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Sunday, 27 December 2020

At we are building an open source exchange that does ONE thing, trades BCH for XMR and vice versa. Looking for any thoughts, help or feedback.

At we are building an open source exchange that does ONE thing, trades BCH for XMR and vice versa. We chose to focus on the best digital CURRENCY and the best privacy coin for obvious reasons.

I am looking for any thoughts, help or feedback about the design and back end. We are building with the Django framework and modules for both BCH, BitCash and XMR, Monero-Python.

Using an SQLite database that stores only the users' email, deposit address, receiving address and price at the time of exchange.

So far only the basic site and outlines are complete but we are looking for help in making sure we get it right.

Please get in touch here, on Twitter or the BCH Telegram.


submitted by /u/xmrtocash
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from Bitcoin - The Internet of Money

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